NABU condemns shooting of wolf dogs
need to starve the young pups now?
08th June 2009 -
has reacted with incomprehension and dismay of the NABU
on the news of the shooting down of a wild wolf
in Saxony-Anhalt and announced criminal charges against the shooter
"The wolf is part of the domestic nature.
Each individual is strictly protected and an unauthorized launch
is a crime, "said
NABU President Olaf Tschimpke.
gambling Wolf pups
Must starve the puppies now?
without a father, their situation deteriorated dramatically.
The Ministry of Environment of Saxony-Anhalt has recently
created in a positive atmosphere for discussion with the participation of all stakeholders
Guideline Wolf.
The state of Saxony-Anhalt
hunters involved in this process and has thus
to return and protection of wolves known. was
Despite extensive publicity of the NABU
and hunters on a hunting society
on Saturday, 6 June was a male wolf Tucheim shot.
It is very likely assumed
that is the animal to the male of the popular Wolf
pair on the adjacent training area Altengrabow.
wolf pups this time of year to provide couples at the age of six to eight weeks
supply this time of year wolf couple
six to eight week old boy.
"The care of the offspring is accepted by both
parents. The death of the father
worsened the supply situation of the young dramatic.
This is the future of the first wolf pack in Germany
outside of Saxony much danger, "said
NABU expert Markus Wolf Bathen.
both from a conservation- as well as for animal welfare reasons
the killing of an animal's parents should be prohibited.
NABU sees in this incident had no reason to convene the group of participants to the guideline
wolf in Saxony-Anhalt,
to run a transparent
education can be discussed and possible consequences.
After more than 140 years, Germany has again
wild wolves. Currently, most animals live in Saxony
with five family groups. The total number
of wolves living in Germany is about 50 animals.
For further information: Markus
NABU project "Welcome Wolf"
Tel: 0172-6453537