After the slaughter of most alpha animals
in Sweden against all reason and law, is the grief
Wolf among us great friends ....
I also support the letter from Facebook `s
Wolf Army to the Swedish Prime Minister!
A letter to the prime minister of Sweden.
Dear Sir
January 2011 the day of the wolf hunt
sanctioned by you and your government is a black day
in the history of Sweden.
...It demonstrates your contempt for nature
and your electorate.
To date my impression was that the government of Sweden
was a humane and progressive government who stood
steadfast against the oppression of minority groups worldwide.
Unfortunately I and the rest of the world
has now come to see the real Sweden.
Its preoccupation with guns and bloodsport like hunting
and its corrupt way of forcibly pressing forward against
the rule of the EU, a rule it has committed itself to,
under the disguise of a badly tacked together explanation
for the crime, sticks in ones throat like a
bite from a rotten apple.
The truth is that Sweden has just ended
the lives of its last wolves by killing
the majority of Alpha animals,
thus leaving the rest without leadership.
Something that the corruptible government officials
and the hunting fraternity planned a long time ago.
I can only say that now that it is done, the actions
of your government against the wishes of your people
and against the direct order of the EU
shows what you are made of.
We will endeavor to work toward the total
boycotting of Swedish tourism and products worldwide
to show our dislike in your action.
Vincent Kennard
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