Monday, March 7, 2011

Removing My Status On Yahoo Messenger On Mac

[Review] Garnier seven days Cream Milk Cocoa Butter

Bonjour mes amis:)

So, now it's finally over. I finally had some time to write a review for a long time desired. It is about seven days Garnier Body Intensive Repairing Cream-Milk with cocoa butter for very dry skin .

I had bought me about 2-3 weeks and even now is my conclusion:)

Content: 400ml
Price: 3.75 €
varieties : aloe vera, cocoa butter, mango oil and honey

The promise of the manufacturer .

"The body care line with probiotics extract provides the skin with long lasting moisture, protects and leaves a nursing home feeling for up to 7 days
The hydration of the skin is optimized and the natural .. protective barrier enhanced the formula with cocoa usually butter and repaired
Garnier Body Intensive 7 days Repairing Cream-Milk with cocoa butter is ideal for very dry skin

The consistency and the smell .

It is a very light cream-Milk. Which can be very good and spread the good news is that it does not leave a greasy film.
for now smell: It is just heavenly *.*
wonderful to cocoa and chocolate, and I think it does not smell chemically, but of course wonderful:)

My experience :

I think the Cream feeding very quickly. She does not leave a greasy film, I've mentioned above and the smell still remains for a long time on the skin.
But I do not think that the cream can hold for 7 days, the "care" feeling, but it also takes a shower in a week so quite often, and how the milk is to keep as well? It is for me, actually Normal skin has and has chosen the cream only because of the smell, good care, but I do not know whether they are also for very dry skin (for what it is supposed to be actually) is good and if she is rich ..

Recommended ? Yes, I find the smell very nice and it makes my skin nice and smooth;)

That's it .. if you have any questions Let me know.
I hope it has helped you somewhat:)

Love, Julia

Friday, March 4, 2011

Abandoned Building Blueprints

[DIY] Luxury hair mask with coconut milk:)


Yes I also agree with me slowly to the carnival days: D
Since my hair is stressed by many parties and different styling experiments is always nice, here a simple and small recipe for a hair mask . :)

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 tablespoons coconut milk (you should really get in any grocery store, perhaps with Dm)
  • 2 tablespoons liquid honey
  • 1 egg

Simply massage into the hands hair for 15 minutes and act. Then with warm water Rinse and ready;)

This conditioner makes hair smooth and smells wonderful to have :)

it so you can just try if you have like ..


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Feminine Itch On The Outside

cappuccino with a twist: D


Today, sometimes only ne short residential design idea: D

I was with the rest of the postal market and have even looked to see whether there are i.etwas interesting. Then I came across a beautiful saucer with little plates. I immediately had an image in mind and have it implemented the same;)

Now is the cup with the flower on my windowsill and it can be a good time: D I'm really happy
with the Fund, especially for only 1.25 € for cup and saucer. Let's see how long does it because I am, unfortunately, often not very carefully in terms of the casting;)

Love, Julia

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Give Breast Feeding For A Man With Vedio

Plagiarism - from the ease of copying and pasting

As the current case shows with Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, politicians are not immune to plagiarism accusations. If you are caught plagiarizing in this frequently have serious consequences. These range from claims of the author copied on the withdrawal of the academic title to the conviction for copyright infringement. Because of the Internet made easily accessible texts already piling up at universities, the plagiarism incidents. Annoying research and poor time management often lead to the complete takeover of a foreign passage without source display. On demand is then argued just that they had even forgotten the source. But just for a student it's often not just a bad exam assessment, but a punishment in the form of de-registration. If the plagiarism discovered after award of an academic title, it can be withdrawn from the university even again.

plagiarism is becoming today's norm.
What is plagiarism?

There is no legal definition of this term does not exist. There is agreement, however, the extent that it is to see the deliberate and illegal adoption of foreign ideas without mentioning the source.

Therefore, initially on a copyright infringement. In § 2 UrhG (Copyright Act) provides that personal intellectual creations in the arts, literature and science are protected. This affects not only the entire text, but also individual phrases, sentence structure and everything that reflects the individuality of the written work. The individual text, then, is more worthy of protection is within the meaning of the Copyright Act.

definition the unconscious borrowing or to quote without a source

to be distinguished from a plagiarism is especially the unconscious borrowing and without quoting the source: is an unconscious borrowing

presumed if inadvertently used copyrighted material. These are initially no plagiarism, because the person did not known is that someone has copied it without permission. She reads a work that is not the word for word in the memory, but is stored in the subconscious. Writes them on a similar theme to the work, the previously read often appears as a separate idea.

Does the author of a use of his work not later, so will the borrowing of copyright infringement. Is relevant for this, however, that the passages represent acquired for himself an intellectual creation, and therefore enjoy copyright protection have (LG München I, Judgement of 15.11.2006, Az: 21 O 22557/05).


original: "When Sight of the hallway like some people think: I think I get up in the closet "( / WEL, lumber room staircase, 23/02/2011)

borrowing: I am comfortable in the store! This may be for many the first impression on entering a hallway.
a foreign text and the author forgets negligence of the source, so yet there is a copyright violation. This is because the quote under those circumstances no longer recognizable as such, provided that no work is done with various markings. Furthermore, the plagiarist could out easily persuaded by the argument, he have unintended and once the source is forgotten in his quote. Because it is often very difficult, the plagiarist will prove even more intent.

is not always infringe the copyright

free works are not protected by the Copyright Act, the author of the text should therefore not be mentioned. are of great importance especially in § 5 UrhG I mentioned court decisions, laws and regulations. The purpose is that the public be informed about the law and recent court decisions and information gathering should therefore be made accessible to everyone.

also works that are published for general information be, are not protected. Decisive here is the interest of the authority that the information is released to everyone so that the public can react more quickly, for example, due to a threat after extensive reconnaissance (BGH, Judgement of 20.07.2006, Case No.: I ZR 185/03). These include, inter alia, official expert opinion.

The free use of works, copyright protection is indeed given, but allows for limited use anyway. Worth mentioning here is the free use pursuant to § 24 UrhG. The used text is to be regarded merely as an inspiration for the newly created and independent work. The nature of both texts is completely different Nature. Had been writing about the same issue of copyright infringement, neither research nor a further exchange of information or a further development of different trains of thought were possible.

is increasingly used during the study copies

who has been enrolled in school are not already in an unexpected impromptu task by the people next? Unfortunately, this is still in the study practiced in domestic work, as it was just simply faster to getting a take on the internet or the library found text unchanged.

purpose of domestic and theses and dissertations, however, provide the ability to demonstrate independently and responsibly to identify problems and then work out a solution. With the naked copying existing texts, the actual research is neglected completely.

quote properly to be learned!

There are several ways you can quote someone else's text, the most important of which are mentioned briefly below.
downward for a literal quote to put this in quotes and make sure that the text literally takes over, even if you have noticed a typographical error.
About Taking only the contents of a text without using the same formulations, there is an indirect quote. It is underlined indirect speech or phrases such as "the view of (author)" or "see (Author) ".
must never, however, the footnote indicating the author, work title and page number in mind, as might occur in spite of quotes or indirect speech, the risk of plagiarism accusations.
To quote a source from the Internet, you should give author, title, year, URL and retrieval date.

More and more universities are using for some time so-called anti-plagiarism software in which the student sent the work is compared with texts from the Internet. One should not take any chances and abide by the citation given, because the consequences after the discovery of plagiarism can be severe.

The piracy has far-reaching consequences


the plagiarism at the same time also constitutes an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act to regulate the Copyright Act § § 97 ff of the civil rights of the author.

to call is above all the failure, removal and compensation according to § 97 UrhG.

The plagiarism can also have criminal consequences. The in § § 106 ff UrhG made punishable acts can only be pursued if the Copyright Act § 109 to a criminal complaint is made by the author or the prosecutor comes to the conclusion that an intervention required.

It 's going to at least several years of imprisonment or a fine.

apply to the university, the "house" rules

already at school you got a "six", if one was caught while copying. In the study of appropriate exams and papers are measured inadequately. have been

Should this be the only consequence to the student can appreciate even more happy. Because each university shall adopt its own examination regulations. So assessed, the University of Bayreuth for a job as "failed" if the result was influenced by the student. A replay will but its still possible. Unlike the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich: likely, in serious cases or when a new "fraud" must be the student with the exclusion of specific tests or even the de-registration. Still other colleges evaluate not only plagiarized part of a work and awarded points are deducted for an overall score for misrepresentation.

someone write a dissertation in whole passages verbatim from conscious, without naming the author, then there is deception, resulting in the revocation of academic titles (Berlin Administrative Court, Judgement of 25/06/2009, Case No.: 3 A 319.05).

requirement is an authorization for this purpose in the promotion order the respective university. In case of suspicion of plagiarism of the doctoral committee of the university concerned shall be informed that checks the work and, if qualified as plagiarism. Irrelevant is whether the doctor would work without plagiarism still assessed as "satisfactory" because the plagiarist was mistaken about his ability to work scientifically (VGH Baden-Württemberg, Order of 13.10.2008, Az: 9 S 494/08).

Often the university can claim back but only within certain time limits, the issued certificates. If a plagiarism discovered after the university maintaining the statutory period, it may no longer be withdrawn Ph.D. be.

On the other hand, a convicted plagiarist the title does not return voluntarily, since only the Promotion Committee for the award and redemption of certificates and promotion of responsible order does not provide for this procedure.

This is always use the version that was at the time of submission of the thesis valid.

For the University of Bayreuth, this means, for example, that may be withdrawn in 2006 for a thesis within five years, only the title.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Much Is A Charriol

[Review] Olay Anti-Aging Day Cream UVA / UVB protection

Hey dear ones,

is here at last the desired Review for Oil of Olay UVA / UVB Protection Anti-Ageing Day Cream .

I had applied for the product test and was accepted. I had received a package project with many small Pröbchen and a cream to normal size. I have tried to incorporate the experiences of my mother and friends, which I have given Pröbchen leave. ;)

Price & content : € 14.99 for 50ml

promises the Oil of Olay :
"The skin is smoothed and streamlined by moisture. pores appear refined, the complexion looks even ., And has a fresh appearance "

application : Apply can simply click on the desired points and move it quite simply and quickly;)

consistency . cream is very easy to short. applying it sticks, however minimal, leaving a small film of oil. The both disappears completely after a few minutes, but remains the nursing experience.

My experience : The cream is absorbed very quickly and the smell is very pleasant. I personally do not see that the cream the wrinkles can really disappear, but that can not lotion. Minimal lines are weakened already. The skin feel is very nice, soft and tender. I use the day care mainly in the morning before leaving, because my skin because I most want to protect from the sun, because that is one of the most common causes of wrinkles.

My conclusion: I'm really zurfrieden with the anti-aging day cream, but you must know that they can not perform miracles. I think it is very good for the prevention wrinkles;)

Recommended : Yes, if you it to you is worth the money:) I'll but me, since I am relatively young, do not buy more because it is too expensive for me personally. My mother, however, perhaps. She wants to make the first empty sample and then decide.

So, I hope that you has it helped a little.

Love, Julia

Players In Gta Iv Sleep With Shoes On

Post arrived:)

Hey dear ones:)

today I've got a pack that I had totally forgotten: D
"then" I've got at the Stylight raffle participated and here it reported. Today finally came the sound, even though I was somewhat surprised by its size ..

I find the sound quite nice, but I'm really hold that it is larger: D
But you look any gift horse in the mouth;)
For the summer, which will hopefully be nice and warm, he is good: P

That's it again for now ..
I'll get back soon with more interesting topics:)

Love, Julia

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Carmex Lip Balm In Tin

[Haul] H & M, New York, and C & A

Hey you Leserchen great: D

I just wanted to ask my show yesterday Haul . I was in fact yesterday in the Hessen-Center in Frankfurt with a friend:)

First I'll start at times with the Rock . I was just in love with him, the pattern it has done to me now ... I found it a bit expensive, but I found it so beautiful for the spring and summer . Since I had to cope with the times: D
He has cost € 16.95 in New York .

Then I have this light scarf at C & A purchased. It is perfect for the transitional period and I like the color too:)
He was reduced to 4 from 12 € € .. Something better for my wallet;)

For H & M have then these two beautiful Hair accessories found me:)
I find them great for the spring and summer, and I'm currently really into flowers; D

The headband is € 2.95 and € 1.95 3 hair clips cost ..

I am very happy with my purchase and I'm totally in spring mood ;)
you Is that you like that?

beautiful Saturday, I wish you:) ♥

Friday, February 25, 2011

What To Do After Being Burned After Waxing

Manhattan, Dr. Scheller and Creme 21 for Brands4Friends - discounts! ;)

Hey dear ones:)

I just shopped at a little Brands4Friends :)
Many Manhattan and Dr. Scheller products are available.

All new customers also get paid € 10. No minimum order value. It pays to stop by: D gets
In this Link her even € 15 as a new customer ;)

My shopping consisted only of Manhattenkosmetik and I'm really happy! : D
I paid instead 23,50 € only 3,90, because I also had a 10 € voucher and therefore only pay the shipping costs had to:)

times I show my treasures:

I have two selected Nagellacke43G red passion, once number (light red) and the color 57R (fuchsia). You have cost instead of 3,95 € only 1,90 €.

Then my eye still lipstick 59Q (brown orange). He is a Moisture Gloss & Lipstick, hopefully relatively course is:)
He has cost € 5.25 instead of 2,50 € ..


Then I also have this eye shadow purchased. He is number one sandstorm (light brown). This has cost 1,90 € instead of € 3.85:)


And the last two eyeliner. Once the number two chrystal mint (light turquoise) and Smokey blue (dark blue).
you have cost only 0,90 € instead of 3,25 €:) _____________________________________________________________

I am very excited about the stuff:)
I'll show you, of course, D

Love, Julia

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Driver Samsung Sf 360

The New P2 → nail, lip and eye products

Hey lovelies,

today you can even a few press photos of P2 see where you can, what it from March 2011 are so new:)

I was very excited about it, so hope I even know it you be interested;)

Eye Products:

  • Eye Colour Fusion range in 4 versions, each with 10 colors for € 3.95
  • Colour Touch Eye Pencil in 5 models, each with 2 colors for € 3.65
  • Eye Dream (baked eye shadow) in 6 colors for € 2.95
  • Zoom Art Mascara for € 3.25
  • Big drama! Mascara for € 3.25
  • Lash Mascara Bomb for € 3.45

lip products:

  • Lip Gloss Passion in 5 colors for each € 2.95
  • Glamourazzi Lip Pencil in 6 colors for each € 2.95

nail products

  • Victim Color Nail Polish in 26 colors á 8ml for € 1.55 per
  • Last Forever Nail Polish in 12 colors á 10ml € 1.75 for each
  • Hypoallergenic + Quick Dry Base Coat for € 1.65 per
  • 3 in 1 Quick Dry Top Coat for € 1.65

Some pictures you can click to enlarge plan through continued)

What do you say to that?
I'm actually quite looking forward to things .. especially the new paints and palettes:)

I just wait and let time ..


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kates Playground; Shower; Uncensored

The inexpensive alternative;)

Hey lovelies:)

Surely you've already found out that many companies currently sell in addition to their washing gels or creams little "helpers". I think that's very expensive, so I show you my technique times;)

Here are some examples : The new innovation of L'Oreal Perfect clean with the brush ...

.. or with the Clearasil skin clear with integrated active deep-clean brush.

These products are usually more expensive and also not always bring the desired result.

I have a cheaper method to that I've been using for many months and get along very well with it. I use that is also my helpers, but without having to pay so much for this:)

scrub sponge (eg Dm) - 0,80 €
face brush (eg Dm) - 1,50 €

My skin is really nice pores massaged with the brush and cleaned . Another advantage is that you need less washing gel because the foaming brush all that great.

I think it's great also that you can use any Waschgel and is not forced to buy expensive brands .. I actually use almost daily wash cream Alverde and am very happy with it.

I mostly use the brush on the sink and the exfoliating sponge in the shower, but that can indeed make everyone like he wants. You do not both things, but I get paid the sponge, as I already had the brush;)

I have normal to combination skin , so I do not know if it is enjoyable for anyone with sensitive skin . Everyone needs to test for themselves: P

I think it is a great alternative and I am very happy with it. It is cheap , massaged and nourishes the skin and leaves the complexion radiate :)
I hope I could help you to something:)

Love, Julia

Saturday, February 19, 2011

M Jak Milosc Odcinki Online793

The true wisdom is to see in everyday life, the miraculous.

Hey dear ones:)

Today I begin at last to the carnival make-up. I have chosen this time Snow .

I'm mainly on the red lips , apple cheeks and great looking eyes respected. And what you see here has come out:)

Do you want to do a real Tutorial for example, with the things that I have used or you can tell enough to even have to worry about it?

I hope that you like the idea:)

Love, Julia